Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Submission to the Prague Law Working Papers Series is open to (a) authors based at the Faculty of Law of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, (b) papers presented at academic events organized by the Law Faculty, or by invitation.

The Prague Law Working Papers Series Committee decides whether a submitted paper is suitable for publication: papers presenting research-in-progress outcomes, current results of scientific or doctoral projects and texts of a similar academic and scholarly nature are expected. Reports on past events, book reviews, interviews or opinions/positions will not qualify for publication.

The language of the Prague Law Working Papers series is English. Submissions in German or French may be accepted only exceptionally if there are relevant objective reasons preventing the submission of an English version. Authors are strongly advised to submit papers that have been carefully proof-read and edited prior to submission. The Committee reserves the right to review the grammar and linguistic format of papers; should the Committee consider the linguistic quality of a paper insufficient the paper is to be returned to its author(s) for modifications and improvements.

The Committee does not take on editorial tasks; all submissions must be ready for on-line publication at the time of submission. In order to achieve a uniform format of all papers included in the Prague Law Working Papers series and to preserve prevailing European academic writing style rules for English, authors are encouraged to follow the guidelines relating to quotations, short references and citation style provided by Kluwer Law International available here.

Each author is responsible for citation checks and for ensuring that all footnotes are correct, properly numbered and formatted; authors using on-line cross-references in their texts are requested to ensure that all links are correct and up-to-date.

Authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following specifications in the preparation of submissions:

  • Papers are to be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format.
  • Submissions are to be written in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1.5 spacing.
  • Every submission is to start with a blank page containing the name, email address and institutional affiliation of the author(s).
  • Each paper must include a 200 word abstract and a set of five keywords both inserted below the title and name of the author(s).
  • Papers exceeding 30 pages are to include a table of contents.
  • Page numbers are to be included in the middle at the bottom of the page.
  • The References section is the final part of each paper and is to include only sources referred to, or quoted in the paper.

Publication as a Prague Law Working Paper does not prejudice subsequent publication in a book or journal.
Submissions are to be addressed to praguelawpapers @