

A cookie is a small file which can be downloaded and stored on your computer, tablet or phone when visiting a site. It makes working with the page easier (for instance remembering the content of a shopping cart in an e-shop) or stores settings (for instance language preference) while other types enable tracking of visitors and their on-line movement and therefore help with improving the site.

Expiration: some cookies are stored while the site is being visited (until the browser gets closed), others are stored for longer periods of time and are available upon future visits.

What cookies do we collect

Cookie name Type Lifespan Organization Purpose
cookieConsentStatus Required 100 days Storing your cookie preferences.
cookieConsentStatus-categories Required 100 days Storing your cookie preferences.
_ga Performance 2 years Google Used for user identification.
_gid Performance 24 hours Google Used for user identification.
_gat Performance 1 minute Google Used for limiting the number of requests to a page.

Do You want to change your settings?

To get the cookies under your control again, click the button and choose your preferences.
