Faculty of Law of Charles University (CU Faculty of Law) is a proud partner of several law schools in different countries through the network of inter-faculty agreements.
Our faculty partnerships are with institutions from all over the world. If you are a student at one of our partner law schools listed below that we have an inter-faculty agreement with, and you are considering studying at the CU Faculty of Law in Prague, please check our offer of courses taught in English that are either designed specifically for foreign students or also shared with Czech students.
You can plan your exchange stay in Prague either for one semester or for the full academic year. As there might be some limitations set by your home university, we advise you to check in advance with your home exchange coordinator on the length of your study abroad stay.
Important deadlines
Winter semester |
April 15 |
May 15 |
Summer semester | September 15 | October 15 |
If you need an entry visa, we advise you to send us your nomination/application as soon as possible.
You can find all the important dates and further information in our Factsheet.
Partner Universities
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Brazil)
China University of Political Science and Law (China)
East China University of Political Science and Law (China)
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Bar Ilan University (Israel)
KAZGUU University (Kazakhstan)
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Soochow University (Taiwan)
University of San Francisco (USA)
NOVA Southeastern University (USA)
Nomination and Application Process
- Check with your home university/faculty of law the selection rules and nomination process in the framework of inter-faculty agreements and apply accordingly.
- Win the nomination to CU Faculty of Law by your home university/faculty of law for one or two semesters.
- Make sure your home university/faculty of law nominates you within our nomination deadlines by sending an email to international@prf.cuni.cz with the following attachments: APPLICATION FORM, CV, Certificate of English Proficiency on B2 level, and Transcript of Records)
- Provided your nomination is approved you will receive the Acceptance Letter and other documents (e.g., confirmation of housing in CU dormitories if applied for, documents required for visa application if applicable).
- Get ready for your trip:
- Apply for your entry visa (if applicable) ASAP!
Please note that the visa application process may be quite lengthy. We strongly recommend starting the visa application process as soon as you receive all the necessary documents. Unfortunately, CU Faculty of Law cannot be of any assistance when it comes to the length and outcome of the visa application process.
- Find accommodation in Prague (unless your accommodation in CU dormitories has been confirmed).
- Get your local “buddy”. You can apply for assignment of your friend (a Czech student at CU Faculty of Law) online through Buddy Programme.
- Get information about Prague and the Czech Republic; knowing as much as possible before arrival will make you feel much more relaxed about the whole trip! We believe this might help. You may further take a look at the Charles University Guide for International Students (2020 edition).
- Apply for your entry visa (if applicable) ASAP!
- Check with your home university/faculty of law the selection rules and nomination process in the framework of inter-faculty agreements and apply accordingly.
After Arrival
Tentative semester dates:
- Registration and welcome meeting for all arriving foreign students takes place at the beginning of every semester (usually one week before classes start) - invitation will be sent out well in advance. You will get detailed on-site information about the exchange programme, and you will have the chance to meet your fellow international students. Local Student Associations might organize extracurricular events around the date of this meeting.
- Register for your courses in the first week of each semester through our online Student Information System. Courses indicated in your Application Form/Learning Agreement are subject to this online registration (usually the capacity of the courses is not limited, but there may be exceptions to this general rule). How to register your courses online can be found here.
- Exchange students may also attend LL.M. courses in English if the class capacity allows. Registration takes place in the first week of each semester.
Exchange students get credits for their LL.M. courses, but are not eligible for the degree. Shall you decide to return to Prague to get your LL.M. degree after your graduation from your home university, the LL.M. courses you have passed successfully during your exchange stay will be recognized.
- Exams are held at the end of each semester. The form of the final assessment (written/oral exams, take-home essays) is to be found in the course information in the Student Information System and you will also receive this information at the introductory session of each course. During the winter semester exams are generally held before the Christmas holidays, during the summer semester in May/June, except for alternative or re-sit exams that may be scheduled for another time. Transcript of Records and Confirmation of the Exchange Study Period will be sent to your home university upon completion of your exchange stay. Grading system can be found here.
Check with your home university/faculty of law the rules on recognition of credits earned at the CU Faculty of Law for successful completion of the courses.
CU Faculty of Law is dedicated to supporting students with special needs. Check out our counselling services in advance! Individual arrangements may be facilitated with respect to participation in classes and final assessments (in such case your home university should consult with us in advance before sending the nomination).
- Registration and welcome meeting for all arriving foreign students takes place at the beginning of every semester (usually one week before classes start) - invitation will be sent out well in advance. You will get detailed on-site information about the exchange programme, and you will have the chance to meet your fellow international students. Local Student Associations might organize extracurricular events around the date of this meeting.
Course Enrollment for Incoming Students
Enroll for the courses online through the Student Information System (SIS) of the Faculty of Law in the first week of each semester. The exact dates of the registration period will be communicated to you at the welcome meeting after your arrival.
You will get your Charles University Card and your SIS login information at one of the UK Points (locations and opening hours can be found here) after your arrival to Prague.
Quick steps:
- Log in to SIS, switch to English.
- Click on Subjects and schedule registration.
- Click on Enrollment (my own).
- Make sure the correct semester is selected.
- Choose International Office (22-ZO) and click on Search.
- From the listing of potential courses select the course you want to take.
- Scroll down and click on Enroll.
- Click on Search to verify that the enrollment in the selected course was succesfull.
Detailed enrollment for courses can be found here.