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prof. JUDr. Karel Beran , Ph.D.

Karel Beran graduated in the Czech Republic from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague (2000) and received the degrees of JUDr. in 2001 and Ph.D. in 2005. His dissertation titled “Právnické osoby veřejného práva” (Juristic Persons of Public Law) was published by Linde, Prague, in 2006. In 2011, he successfully defended his habilitation thesis titled “Pojem osoby v právním smyslu” (The Concept of Person in Law) published by Leges in 2012 and was appointed associate professor in the field of Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law. On 17 June 2020, the President of the Czech Republic appointed him full professor in the field of Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law, based on a proposal presented by the Scientific Board of Charles University in Prague.


Since 2003, he is a member of the Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines at the Faculty of Law, Charles University, where he teaches Legal Theory, Theory of Juristic Persons and Legal Information Systems. Between 2014 and 2018, he served as a vice-dean for graduate studies (Master’s) at the Faculty of Law. From 2006 to 2009, he also practiced law as an attorney in Prague. From 2016 to 2018, Karel Beran worked as a team leader on a project named “Legal Transactions and Legal Responsibility of Juristic Persons”, and was also the lead author of the related collective monographs “Právní jednání a odpovědnost právnických osob po rekodifikaci českého soukromého práva” (Legal Transactions and Legal Responsibility of Juristic Persons after Recodification of Czech Private Law), published by Wolters Kluwer Czech Republic in Prague in 2018, and “Artificial Legal Entities: Essays on Legal Agency and Liability”, published by Wolters Kluwer in Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava and Budapest in 2019 Subsequently, as a single author, he published a monograph titled “The Concept of Juristic Person”(Wolters Kluwer: Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava and Budapest, 2020).


As a visiting researcher, Karel Beran worked and studied at universities in Europe, the USA, and Australia. He completed a long-term study visit at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor (USA), supported by Fulbright-Masaryk scholarship programme in the academic year 2016/2017, a two-semester scholarship stay at the Law Faculty of the University of Salzburg (Austria) within doctoral studies in 2002/2003, and medium-term study visits at Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft (Germany) in 2012, at Griffith Law School in Brisbane (Australia) in 2007 and at Cardiff Law School (UK) in 2006. He also completed many short-term study visits, e.g. at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Universität Salzburg Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Austria), and Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München, Juristische Fakultät (Germany).


Karel Beran has published voluminously on issues relating to law of persons and its theoretical foundations. He has long been interested in the status of persons in law, especially that of juristic persons. In this regard, his work focuses on issues related to legal personhood, legal capacity, theory of juristic persons, theory of juridical acts, and corporate liability. In the area of legal philosophy, Karel Beran’s research addresses legal norms (e.g. in terms of their mandatory or non-mandatory nature) and the issues of temporal effects of legal norms, including the problem of retroactivity. He has authored or co-authored nine monographs and over 70 scholarly articles and papers published in the Czech Republic and abroad. He has also co-authored university textbooks on legal theory, substantive civil law, and criminal law.